Claude Prompts: NLP Keyword Extraction plus more…

Claude Prompts: NLP Keyword Extraction plus more…

Prompt #1:
I'm writing a blog post "INSERT KEYWORD(S) HERE" Based on the following text, can you list the NLP keywords I should include in my blog post? Include the number of times each NLP keyword should be used if the blog post is going to be 2000 - 2500 words. (After this prompt, copy and paste your competitors blog posts for Claude to evaluate)

Prompt #2:
Based on the text could you suggest a blog outline? Make the headings bold. Do not number the headings.

Prompt #3:
Using the outline you suggested, can you write a 2000 to 2500 word blog post on the topic "INSERT KEYWORD(S) HERE" using the suggested outline and using the NLP keywords with your suggested usage frequency. Use subheadings to break up sections with four or more paragraphs. Write in a casual, yet informative tone of voice. Write in the 3rd person point of view. Write at the 8th grade level.

(check word count in WordCounter -

Prompt #4:
Can you rewrite the blog post and increase the length to at least 2000 words, but no more than 2200 words and make sure and include a Conclusion?

(check word count in WordCounter -

Prompt #5:
How would I add "information gain" to this blog post so it offers better or more unique content than my competitors?

Prompt #6:
Can you create an FAQ for all of the topics related to information gain?